$Id: 2006-04.text 592269 2007-11-06 04:40:24Z sebor $ Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 4/2006: This is the third quarterly report for stdcxx. Since the last report the stdcxx community has added a new committer, Anton Pevtsov, and with his help successfully completed the release of version 4.1.3 of the project. Since the relase the team has made significant progress migrating the Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library test harness and test suite to the Apache stdcxx test driver. The stdcxx community also continues to increase the visibility of the project with the goal of further raising the number as well as diversity of its users, contributors, and committers. The plan for the next three months is to continue to work on migrating the test suite and, in parallel, to enhance the support for the C++ Standard Library extensions described in the Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions and recently voted into the working paper of the (next) C++ Standard expected to be released by 2009. Martin Sebor